-FengShan Market-Bruce, Pinkflower, YangFeng, Melvyn and ME turned out to eat "BAR CHOR MEE" then went to Geylang to eat Beancurd.. Thanks to Melvyn ... dove us around.. ANyway people, the supper outing was organised by Pinkflower.. Maybe that explains y YF have the urge to go all the way down to Bedok... Just for her? haha! YF wanted me to go down so badly cos... PF said she won't go down if she's the only gal... So I asked Mel about it.. Mel was pretty cool about it so we went down...
Crapped and more craps..
What's new?
crapped by Shannen at 22:52
*TSK*Just tell me what you guys' problem is? Ban here ban there. *sighs*
Fever has just about gone down. Been waking up every two hours last night. Went to bed real early, and yeah, I couldn't take it and woke up at 0730. Heh. Fever, what to do? Sick sick sick. Lucky there isn't any school today (or for the next week anyways) or I would be missing some very valuable class.
Anyway I'm looking for the Half-Life patch. I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it!! I just found the HL CD stashed away in my drawer... when the fella to whom it belongs has been bugging me for it. And I told him that I didn't have it... Oh well. I've got it NOW! *laughs evilly*
Tired. I think I need my bed...
crapped by prawninator at 08:06
Hahahaha...I remembered what i did to onion head oredi... I pbanned him in #steamboat because he was ignoring me cos i called him "onion channel"... lol... seems that he doesn't know that it's kinda pointless to pban the owner cos he sure can come back... nvm... it's only a channel ba... and after what i've been through with thiskinda shit and owner? it's wiser not to return....
Downloading "Metropolis" .. so damn long... thousand over hours... my god..
crapped by WanAhLun at 07:34
maybei also dunno what is to be bloggedhere... if you blog your stuff. then wat happen to your own blog???
so maybe blog stuff regarding chillicrap and sorts here... dunno.. up to your own discretion...
crapped by WanAhLun at 00:29
Hmmmmmmmmm.........Invited evildolly.....
Tio banned in #steamboat. Now i really dunno why... maybe is because i ask him "onion channel" this afternoon... Well maybe if he cannot take this kinda comments then maybe he wanna review the way he talks too... Nobody likes their names being called in the main for nothing.
crapped by WanAhLun at 00:28
Owww.I've got a fever. Argh. 36.8 and climbing... Gee man.
I don't think I wanna get outta bed tomorrow.
Oh, my parents are not home yet.
D'ya think I can smoke in the house?
So any luck with pulling more people in?
crapped by prawninator at 22:01
-Shannen in DA house. YO!-haha, damn bo liao... just finished my practical exercise... Waiting for my friends to finish theirs and *pOOf*.. Off we'll go to eat our breakkie! Feeling kinda hungry now! After eating that "fillet-o-fish' without tartar sauce, I didn't eat anything liao... Yesterday was... "crappy" day! Cos Sam, Perl and me was carrying the "chillicrap" attitude and were crapping ALL DA WAY! Hmm, now, one more area will noe bout crappers and that's Toa Payoh! Erm, Toa Payoh Interchange's Macdonald rather...
Chillicrappers........ Cheers!
crapped by Shannen at 08:38
Whoop-de-do!Yay, the archives are fixed!
Happy joy joy happy happy joyyyyyyy
crapped by prawninator at 01:29
Pfft.I've invited Guthrie. He -HAS- a blog that has -NEVER- been updated, but I guess we shouldn't bother yet yah? Hahahaha.
You know what we could do? Set up a thread in the forums and ask for blogspot users... Hehehehe.
Ask them to PM you their emails or something.
Whoa, I think I better work on the archives now... Heh.
crapped by prawninator at 00:15
Okie dokie...So it's day two since the existence of this blog....
thinking of what i can invite ppl to blog here for... maybe can do like... guest blogging???
crapped by WanAhLun at 22:12
Well...Found this new link at my Dear's blog and decided to take a look... Unexpectedly, I m also invited to be part of this blog...! =) So nice to feel at home! Isn't this world ironic? The Ben Pam noes is actually my friend's ex BF... -Blah- So, Pam, r u attached to him? All I know bout him is... he is a BIKE FREAK! Spends tons of money on his gear! haha!
Hmm, just took 2 panadols... Found 'em in my kitchen... Was sick... Now, I am feeling so so so much better!
But Dear is no longer online... Aww...
Initially wanted to change my blog's skin into the one U see now cos I find that the words, sentences rather, are very meaningful..
crapped by Shannen at 00:33
Booyah.I have entered the Realm of Evil. Wonder what this thing looks like heh.
I don't really like the idea of several people playing around with the template at the same time though... it happened once before and it screwed up the entire thing. Heh.
Just got off the phone with Ewen. *grins* Samantha even said he sounded good over the phone. Blah. I dunno.
So... who else is here?
*looks around*
Oooh. Three so far... And counting. *grins*
crapped by prawninator at 23:33
I am liek so boliao..Was thinking a blog with lotsa ppl in it... Just testing out the idea.... will put a logo up soon... if can get the approval from boss....
crapped by WanAhLun at 22:58